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Projekt partnerei

Etudes Et Chantiers Corsica

Ramona Dogaru


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Études et Chantiers Corsica is an association dedicated to socio-professional integration through economic activity.
Études et Chantiers Corsica is the continuity of an association created in 1995 whose object was the protection, the development and the management of the natural spaces and the socio-professional integration.
Its field of action covers the study, the animation and the implementation of workshops and workcamps of integration in connection with collective projects of protection, development and management of natural spaces, restoration and development of the built and landscape heritage, being part of global projects of local development and dynamization of the territory.


Koralia Tsagkaratou


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IDEC is a training and consulting company located in Piraeus, Greece. Its activities consist of training, management consulting, quality assurance, evaluation, and development of ICT solutions for both private and public sector. Clients of IDEC are both SMEs and the bigger Greek companies of a wide variety of sectors. It co-operates with more than 800 institutes all over Europe and more than 300 experts on specific fields.
IDEC has been active the last 25 years in the field of EU projects, either as coordinator or as partner for different European programs and Initiatives.
Through its double role, both as educational provider and as management consulting company, IDEC has been able to also incorporate best practices from the business sector into the educational, by adjusting them to the spirit of open and sustainable and accessible education for all.
It has been accredited as a lifelong learning centre and it organises in-service training courses for teachers and trainers, study visits and informal learning activities for students in initial education and training and provides training courses and work placements for students in vocational training and people in the labor market.

Agrupamento de Escolas Alcanena

Suzana Duarte Santos


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Alcanena´s Schools Cluster includes several school buildings (around 20) ranging from kindergarten to secondary level. It is located in the central region of Portugal, in an area with a strong industrial component, assuming itself as a reference school in the context of digital transition, investing in creating innovative educational environments, such as the i – Labs: Classroom of the Future and Maker’s Lab, and training teachers in digital skills.
The development of scientific projects has also been a priority of this Cluster. These projects have been integrated in the curriculum and supported by partnerships with investigation institutions and universities. Last year the topic of these projects was “Climate Change”.
The School’s Cluster was distinguished in 2019/2020 with the Proficient level of the “European Stem School Label” project by European Schoolnet.

Politeknika Ikastegia Txorierri

Sheila Larrabaster



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Politeknika Ikastegia Txorierri is a subsidized High School for Science and Technology and Vocational Education and Training (both EQF levels 4 and 5) in the Basque Region. Each year the school provides education for over 400 full time students and 1000+ adult part time learners with a staff of 45 people.
Politeknika Ikastegia Txorierri focuses on serving local Industry and it is committed to the integral and lifelong learning of its students. The Centre promotes Innovation in Technological and Pedagogical Projects and aims to offer a quality service to the Public, meeting the local training needs of young people, the local universities and institutions.


Sorin-Victor Roman



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Predict CSD Consulting is specialized in building online educational products: e-courses, instructional, experiential & edutainment video games. With a few dozen educational products released, their efforts have furthered interactivity and innovation in the field of education – a mission they’re passionate about, because learning is fun!

‘Prof. Ivan Apostolov’ Private language high school

Milena Koleva


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Private language high school „Prof. Ivan Apostolov” was founded in 1993. In 2012 the school complex “Alphabets” was established. It includes three buildings: Kindergarten „Little Steps“, Primary School “Alphabets”, English High School „Prof. Ivan Apostolov” and sports complex. The building has a basketball and volleyball court, a swimming pool and three smaller sports halls.
Since 2016, a private language high school „Prof. Ivan Apostolov” is part of the program for schools ambassadors of the European Parliament. Since 2017, it has been approved as an innovative school and is actively working on the inclusion of new interdisciplinary subjects in the curricula.